Monday, March 21, 2011

Showers for Mr. Noah

Although I don't have pictures from every shower yet, I wanted to share some photos of the recent showers that friends and family have given Noah. We are so blessed to have such loving and generous people in our lives who want to shower our little one. To kick start the fun times, I had a shower in the Bay Area that was mainly family and it was really great to see all of them! Then there was a "sweets" shower ( sweets...No!) at Sift Cupcake hosted by dear friends of mine. Noah and I were then treated to a yummy breakfast at a work shower hosted by a dear friend! Our life group treated us to a baby-themed evening to celebrate our little one...can you say poopy diapers (ask Justin about that one as he almost gagged and it was just candy :)!! We ended our showering at Grandma's house for a friend/family shower where my mom truly outdid herself with all the little details that transformed her house from a Bungalow to an Airport!

We had babies at the shower! So adorable...

Quite the!!

These are decals I will use in his room!

Playing games...word scrambles are hard-well, that's my excuse at least :)

We went around and everyone shared their wishes for little Noah as they donated a quarter to his college fund-aka airplane bank! It was very sweet.

I love this picture for some reason. We all look so happy!

My mom prepared a gift basket that was quite fun to open! It was a wonderful presentation and all the goodies inside are so handy.

Making more wishes...

More pictures from other showers to come soon!

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