Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

Noah had his first Easter, and although he is only 2.5 weeks old he had lots of fun pictures taken and even had Easter eggs waiting for him! On Sunday we had a quiet Easter with my parents, Noah and I, and my Auntie Chris. Unfortunately Daddy had to work :( It was a very relaxing day and my mom and I had fun taking pictures of Noah in a chick Easter basket. It was all her idea and a super cute one at that! I know it will only be for so long that we can put him in these silly poses and take pictures so I am all up for packing it in while we can. Even though it was a quiet Easter my mom made it very special. She dyed eggs for us all and gave us very sweet and sentimental Easter presents. I now have some beautiful framed pictures of Noah, myself, and our family!

Today, Monday, we had a second Easter and were able to celebrate with the Oto's. We enjoyed a fabulous brunch together followed by some fun picture taking and relaxing. The girls were so excited to hold Noah and he loved meeting his cousins (2nd cousins officially). They were so sweet...they brought an Easter Bunny suit with them and surprised us with it so Noah could take a picture with the Easter bunny on his first Easter. Lily was the Easter bunny!

We had a fun-filled two days and below are the pictures to prove it!

Does it get any more cozy than this???

And here we our posed Easter picture. I think I have one billion of them on my camera...hahaa...this is one of the best! He was a great sport. Thanks again Nonni for the fun idea! Happy Easter everyone.

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