Saturday, October 22, 2011

I LOVE night 5!!!

Can you guess why I loved last night??? Let's back track...

Last night we entered Night 5 of our "sleep training" and things have been going well, SO, I took a walk on the wild side and stayed up after I put Noah to bed and watched an entire show!!! I felt like I had never done it before ;) It has been 6 + months since Justin and I have stayed up past putting Noah to bed. Since he has been waking up to eat at least once, and often more, we always wanted to maximize our sleep. Once again our son impressed us!!! He slept through the night...I mean not a peep, not a noise, I don't think he even moved. When I looked at him on the monitor this morning, because of course I thought for sure something was wrong since it was 7:30 (that's right!!!) and I hadn't heard a thing, he was still in the same position that we put him in last night! Oh sleep how I love thee!!! I feel like a new woman today. I know there will be bumps in the road (like teeth, etc.) but I am so proud of Noah's progress. Now all I have to do is train my body to sleep through the night...ha! Seriously...I wake up multiple times a night now, which is nothing like me (pre-baby that is...) so I hope my body can readjust!

I will leave you with some fun videos and I promise my future posts will not be as wordy and contain more pictures of the little mister :) Thanks for reading our "sleep training" updates.

Noah at his first swim lesson. He is with the lady in the black and about to go under water :)

Justin does this with Noah and it just melts my heart

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