Monday, June 4, 2012


Today while home sick (which by the way should be illegal when it's the second to last day of school) I played around with new collages for iPhone photos. Justin and I are both totally sick. Sick as in my throat is on fire here people, and the husband is hacking up a lung. Nonni saved the day and came and got Noah approximately 2 seconds after she heard my voice on the phone this morning. I am so bummed that we are sick. I miss Noah and I wanted to be at school today. Today and tomorrow are the last two days of school, and even though today is not one of my days to work, I wanted to be there for Field Day. It's a super duper fun day! Anyways, back to the real reason for this post...

Remember way back in the day when I blogged about needing to find a new way to do collages?? Today I experimented with a few different ways to display the endless amount of iPhone photos I take. It was fun and it took my mind off of being sick.  This one is related to Instagram, so I tried it first.  I will probably try a few more just to compare. What do you think?

Game Night
Sleeping soundly
Sprinkler fun
Chicken coop remodel

Our first crop of strawberries
Working with Daddy

Park fun
Bike ride with Jenna and Jared
Playing around and found a pacifier
Going for a walk

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