Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's a M.U.S.T.

Pinterest of course :) You know who you are if you need to join (uhum....Melissa, Jaime, Lisa...) 
I know there are more of you!!

It was addicting in the beginning, then I was kind of in a lull for a while, and now...I'm obsessed. Yesterday I whipped together these yummy little things because apparently I think I have all the time in the world-ha! I happened to have everything on hand, so I just went right for it, just from looking at the picture, without a plan or anything...see, obsessed I tell you.

In keeping with the theme of "It's Fall and 90 degrees outside" (last blog post) I was browsing the crafty section on Pinterest and came across these adorable creations and just had to make at least one of them. I don't do Halloween decorations really, but they were just calling my name. The spider web seemed like way too much for Noah at this point so I opted for the "Boo" one. Seeing this on Pinterest made me remember a sweet art project I found on a blog I read. At the time I loved it and I was thrilled that I remembered it. It's a precious Fall tree. 

Where am I going with all of this?
So on Tuesday, I watched Jenna for Jaime and Jared and I thought that would be a fun day to do these crafts. I knew I could get Noah to do the simpler one, but I really wanted to do the Fall tree canvas too [insert Jenna]. She was the perfect and willing toddler I was looking for. She loved having her hands painted, and was so very patient throughout all the steps. I didn't even attempt the Fall tree with Noah as I could hardly get him to stay still long enough to paint one foot-he was not so much a fan of the cold, tickling paint. 

We had a blast being all crafty and such! I'm usually more the type to admire the crafty things and the craftiness of those in the blogging world, but today I went for it, and surprisingly, it went really well. Next time I want to add a few more hand prints to the tree, but other than that, they are keepers! 

Here are a few pictures of the finished products:




In summary, join Pinterest if you haven't-it's a must!! It will suck up every ounce of little time you have, but it's SO worth it.

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