Monday, January 14, 2013

"Daddy Wights Down"

The world is just not as cool now that Christmas is over. There are some things I just can't stop, and one of those is Noah singing Christmas songs. I wonder how long it will last?? I cracks me up that he really has no concept of that time of year being over. One thing he definitely knows is it that the LIGHTS ARE DOWN PEOPLE!! Everywhere we drive..."wights are down." And when we drive by the house in our neighborhood that had a lot of lights he still says, "Wow wights," even though they are no longer up. Here's the kicker...every time we leave our house or arrive back at our house he says, "Daddy wights down." And then I say, "Yes sweetie, Daddy took the lights down." It makes me chuckle inside, and wonder when and if he will ever move on from Christmas habits. We may very well be those people singing Jingle Bells in June. Oh well. 

That's really all I have for you. Not very exciting, I know, but I'll leave you with a few videos of life, just simple everyday life.

I love sneaking up on Justin playing with Noah. He does things that this Mama just isn't as good at, like train noises, car noises, and such :)

Noah likes to be silly with Pa, so the other day as they were playing there own little made up game I caught the very end of it on camera. In the beginning his laugh was truly from the belly!

Oh Legos we love you! I like the middle of this video where Noah realizes he's being taped :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


As I sit here and crave sugar cookies I figure it's a good time to blog about the Cookie Party we had this year even though it was a month it sad that I'm still wanting more cookies?? And Noah is napping extra long, so figure I better blog before SOME people give me a hard time about know who you are!!

Every year my high school girlfriends and I have a cookie party and this year it was at Meredith's house. She and her husband bought a house in Windsor recently so it was really fun to have the party there (after all, the tradition began with she and her mom in high school). We had a small version this year with just mommies and babies :) Justin was a little bummed as he likes to decorate eat cookies, but he settled for me bringing them home.

We ate a nice dinner together...which really means we ate in shifts based on the children's needs and we decorated lots of cookies...which really means we ate A LOT as we decorated and all left with regretful bellies ;) No, not really.

We got lots of adult time in, as we either shipped the kids off to grandparents, or put them to bed-bonus! Noah was a champ and went to bed at Payton's house after only a little whining.  He cracks me up because when he doesn't want to be doing something (in this case going to bed at another house) he says things like, "go back mama" "mama go car"! Anything that will reverse what he is doing-haha!

It was a great time and fun was had by all! Thanks to Melissa for these pictures that prove it :)

All ready to roll!

A great self-timer photo

Actually, I think this holds some pretty funny memories. My child was melting and very much over the whole, "no stay still and smile photo"

Another good one :)

The older babies checking out Wesley (in our house "Beebee Wes")

Loving the cookie, not so much the decorating, but a big yes on the cookie!

 More cookie

Oh Lisa, you made us all laugh and admire you with your attention to detail on each cookie!

I want Melissa's mad cookie making skills. As I sit here with no sugar cookies, I need to perfect my move at either stealing her cookies next year, or adopting her mad skills. She whips those things out every year...EVERY YEAR! I think we need a New Year cookie party, like NOW!

~ Good times and Lasting Memories ~

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Egg Whites

I may get a little graphic here, but in the world of children, it's hardly graphic at all ;-)

Noah has only had two bad diaper rashes in his life and I'm quite sure both were due to food he ate that, well, you get the picture... A year ago I read up on all natural ways of helping diaper rash and came across egg whites. I tried it and it seemed to work really well. Just this week Noah had another bad diaper rash so I tried it again...and viola, it's working great. Don't get me wrong...I'll use some good old-fashioned Desitin when needed, but it just wasn't helping much this time and that's when I remembered the egg whites. So for all my mom friends out there who read this blog ( 4...), when in need, use egg whites!

Here are a few recent iPhone photos to make up for the boring post about egg whites :)

Quite the expression

One of the many chores he loves...currently the favorite.

Helping Daddy

Riding his new bike on a COLD morning. We were the only ones at the park ;)

Helping Daddy fly airplanes

Poor quality I know, but the cheesy grin just kills me! He loves his new bath towel with his name on it. He says "N-O-A-H"

Friday, January 4, 2013


It was so very magical. It was Christmas, and Noah was here, so that pretty much sums it up! :)
Some details might be nice...I hear ya...

On Christmas Eve we went to the Bay Area for Christmas with my extended family! Noah got to play with my younger cousins whom he adores. He just loves the big kids, and they love him. I don't have any great pictures because I had FREE babysitting and I lounged around, ate some great food, drank some champagne, and lounged some more...yes!  I do have a few iphone photos that are just ok, and at least you can still see Noah in his Christmas sweater (melt my heart) and our annual Gingerbread decorating contest. Everyone had a lot of fun and took on the challenge very seriously. Me? I made mine very quickly, then went back to my lounging... When I heard others were taking their time and amping up the competition I (graciously) took mine out of the contest by eating it-shocking right? Noah loved all the toys the older girls had. My Auntie Sue and Uncle Gerry had lots of music boxes, etc that Noah was very entertained by. They even had a dancing Santa.  Here are a couple collages of the day!

Then we came home and Justin and I went to a beautiful Christmas Eve service. My parents spent the night and we all woke up together on Christmas morning. It's fun having a full house on Christmas morning and it was very special to have them with us. We began our morning slowly with a homemade pastry and hot chocolate, followed by stockings :) I love stockings! I enjoy buying for others as well as opening my own ;) We seem to laugh a lot when we open stockings...sigh...I already miss the feeling of that morning. 

We slowly began opening presents and enjoying our morning together. Noah got his first bike from Nonni and Pa, which we were really excited about. J and I got a big surprise from my parents...a new TV! Wahoo! Murray opened a big surprise as well...a trip to Hawaii...we must have been good this year. After a leisurely morning of lounging and opening presents we had some lunch and then it was time to switch gears. Justin had to fly Christmas evening, so he left the house mid afternoon. My Auntie Chris came up for the day, which was a real treat! After Noah's nap we went up to my parents house to finish off our wonderful Christmas Day.  We watched Christmas movies, lounged around, and enjoyed family time.  The majority of the pictures are action shots because trying to get Noah to stop for a moment was just not happening...too excited! 

Stockings :)

"Daddy, make this car go vroom vroom"

Murray opening his surprise! His facial expressions crack me up ;)

His bike!!!

A break for a hug...then more bike.

Daddy wasn't feeling good :( In fact, he became very sick the day of and days after Christmas.

His gift from Auntie Chris-cars and a track!