Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Egg Whites

I may get a little graphic here, but in the world of children, it's hardly graphic at all ;-)

Noah has only had two bad diaper rashes in his life and I'm quite sure both were due to food he ate that, well, you get the picture... A year ago I read up on all natural ways of helping diaper rash and came across egg whites. I tried it and it seemed to work really well. Just this week Noah had another bad diaper rash so I tried it again...and viola, it's working great. Don't get me wrong...I'll use some good old-fashioned Desitin when needed, but it just wasn't helping much this time and that's when I remembered the egg whites. So for all my mom friends out there who read this blog (ha...like 4...), when in need, use egg whites!

Here are a few recent iPhone photos to make up for the boring post about egg whites :)

Quite the expression

One of the many chores he loves...currently the favorite.

Helping Daddy

Riding his new bike on a COLD morning. We were the only ones at the park ;)

Helping Daddy fly airplanes

Poor quality I know, but the cheesy grin just kills me! He loves his new bath towel with his name on it. He says "N-O-A-H"

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Adorable! You can just keep on gathering all these fabulous homeopathic remedies... and then when I have kiddos I can pick your brain ;)
You are a wonderful Momma to sweet Noah!