Saturday, March 2, 2013

"The Zoooo"

Noah adds a few extra O's to his new favorite place, the Zoooo. On Tuesday we took a spontaneous trip to the zoo. Justin worked the days before and was going to be working the days after, so family time was on the mind. We were sitting on the couch in the morning, talking about how the day might go, and I thought of the zoo. In about 30 seconds the decision was made, and we decided to get into "get ready mode" and head to the zoo. So fun! I love being spontaneous and it just doesn't happen enough. 

Here are some iphone photos of our excursion :)

First stop...the bears.

I love the sheer joy on his face as he's looking at the first animals on our tour of the zoo.

Not soon after we were petting (and hugging-only a toddler would hug a goat), and brushing some fun farm animals.

Stopped to do a little climbing :)

After lunch we saw many of the big animals, including his favorite of the day, the elephants. 

He kept hanging on the fence, yelling "Hi elephants, " which is more like "elfents." It was all very loud, and very cute.

So pretty! They were doing some "training" with this one which was fun to see.

When you're at the zoo during your nap time, soon daddy becomes a pillow :)

Our last stop was the tigers! When you ask Noah about the zoo, they are the first he lists. At the zoo the elephants seemed like a definite favorite, but the Lions are trying to come in for a close tie :)

In awe of the tigers!

I'm not sure what he's pointing to here, but that's why I included it. This is how most of our pictures ended up...Noah pointing at all the animals and saying "More animals Mamma!"

It literally took him less that two minutes to do THIS! Tuckered. Out.

I love the Oakland Zoo because it is just the right size and has all the animals a little boy could dream of. We do want to check out the SF Zoo soon just to compare and try something new (it's been forever since I have been there and Justin never has).

Lesson of the day: Being spontaneous is awesome!

A few videos of the day as well :)

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