Sunday, September 4, 2011

He loves to bounce!

Noah loves his bouncing fun chair (that's the technical term folks) and his Johnny Jumper (as they were called when J and I were wee ones). Sometimes he goes to town for such a long time that it makes me nervous, but he really enjoys it and hey, the kid has energy, so we might as well let him jump himself tired ;).

Noah is at such a fun age! I know I will say it again in a month or two when he is older, but for now I am enjoying his gummy little smile, his giggle, his love for the outdoors, and SO much more! Here are some recent pictures of Noah having fun!

Noah loves...
bath time and also showers *
everything outdoors
doing the "cha cha cha" with Claudette at Bella and now us!
helping Nonni at Bella
rolling around on the ground and playing with toys
looking in the mirror
naked time
leg massages
visiting with friends
watching fans
being sung to
walking to Safeway and strolling around the store as I grocery shop
watching Daddy fly airplanes
taking catnaps :/
hearing his name
jumping in his chairs
watching Sophie
music class
...the list goes on...

*The disclaimer on the shower is that he has been stuffy this last week and the steam really helps his little nose loosen up and he likes it :)

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