Monday, December 17, 2012

'Tis the Season


admire your Christmas tree

read Christmas stories

do the Advent Jesse Tree (like an Advent Calendar) and remember the reason for the season

admire Nonni and Pa's tree

decorate cookies and carry out the tradition (more on that later). The candy I used for his eyes makes the snowman look evil-oopsie!

decorate a gingerbread house for the first time in my life...

go see Christmas lights on steroids :)

to decorate your own felt tree

open a present-BOOTS!

look at lights with Nonni of her house

admire Nonni and Pa's house

look at Christmas lights-he loves this house and knows right where it is on our street :)

sing Christmas carols with Waylon and Pa


Oh my how I wish you were there to see this sight. Some of my girlfriends and I met at the mall to visit with Santa. Well, we didn't, the children did, or shall I say ran away, instead of visit?!?! Last year Noah was pretty chill being 8 months and all! This year, although not as bad as it could have been, he was not so impressed. Neither were Cambrie and PJ! Wes was a complete angel, all 3 months of him :) I think this will have to be a tradition. It's just too much fun torturing the children. We were acting like complete fools trying to get them to smile and not run and scream. Just writing this is making me chuckle all over again. Like I was a sight to be seen :)

Full Swing and Loving It

Christmas is so very fun this year with little Noah who is now 20 months old and talking up a storm! He loves all the "wights" and "mic" (music) and has a blast identifying the different ornaments on the tree. Some of his favorites are: da staws (stars), da noman (snowman),  da aipane (airplane), da heart, da balls, da church, and da choo choo's. 

We got right on the decorating this year and had most things up before December even began-shameless I know... He has his own felt Christmas tree with personalized stockings for Mommy, Daddy, and himself :)  Most nights we go for a walk or drive to look at the lights and each time we leave a house Noah says, "bye wights." He cracks us up! 

As I think all mommies would say...time please stand still! PLEASE.

Here are pictures of the day we put up Christmas lights. Noah was very into "helping," which meant climbing the ladder, playing with cords, and running around the front yard :)

Goofy face!

Top of the ladder-Daddies are so fun!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Video Time

Sorry I have been MIA lately...
It's a weird thing, to want to blog and yet I have been lazy about it.  Is it an okay excuse to say that Noah keeps me BUSY, nah, it's really all Pinterests fault. Blame them. So in true lazy form I am going to leave you with a few videos of life lately until I get my act together, my pictures downloaded, and the Christmas presents ordered-my Amazon Cart is saying "chaching."

Our first walk of many!

We jumped on the wagon nice and early with Christmas music this year and I am not ashamed to admit it. Noah and I have been singing "Jingle Bells"...listen for when he chimes in!

Grandpa stopped by to say Hi and had so much fun playing with Noah and all his toys.

Gotta have some fun while you are putting up the Christmas tree :)
Funny thing about the vacuum is that Noah loves to to do it, and who does he ask to vacuum with?? DADDY! Tricky that Mamma is... Okay, I'll be honest. Justin vacuums more than I do so Noah thinks of him as "The Vacuum Man!"

Putting up the Christmas tree was a little different this the best way :)

Her reading aloud was encouraging him to do it as well. Sweet moment.

We've been having a lot of fun over here with Christmas tree farming, craft making, Christmas Light Walking, and so on...this of course is in between the worried Mamma reading about toddlers hitting and throwing everything and how to deal-AHHHH! Be back soon, xoxo