Tuesday, November 15, 2011

On Sunday my mom, Auntie Chris, Noah, and I met in Corte Madera for a shopping visit. I hadn't been shopping (I mean shopping shopping ladies...) since before I was pregnant-you do the math-that's a long time. I didn't actually buy any clothes, but I did manage to snag a good lookin' pair of boots, some household items, and of course some fun things for the little mister; it's more fun shopping for him anyways! My aunt and my mom spoiled us and found some nice things for themselves as well, don't believe me??? Just take a peek below at the Mighty Uppababy...

I like LOVE my stroller and this is just one of the many (alright fine, less important, but still way cool) reasons why I like love my stroller. Sad thing is, we had already made one trip to the car and you can't even see all the bags. No we did not put smaller bags inside larger bags, I swear. Let's just chalk it up to helping the economy. Alright, moving on to pictures of Noah :)

At the end of our shopping excursion ( P.S. Noah was a champ) I took him over the the play area. At first I cringed at the thought of him playing and crawling on the dirty dirty floor, but then I moved past that and thought about how fun it would be to watch him at his first park-like setting. He loved crawling all around and had fun crawling up onto the structures -something he has just begun doing.

Not to worry, I cleaned his hands off very well before we left!
Adios for now :)


Bri and John said...

Hey- I'm not judging! =) I used to let my kids play in those mall play areas all the time! Nothing a little hand sanitizer can't fix... and really- a few germs to strengthen their immune systems isn't so bad =)

Morgan said...

Well said :)