Monday, September 10, 2007

Red Lodge Trip: The Archery Course

Justin and I were able to visit his parents in Red Lodge, MT in the beginning of September while he completed his yearly flight training with Big Sky. The weather was beautiful while we were visiting, so we were able to spend time in the great outdoors. Below are pictures from the archery course that Rick and Angie spend many hours setting up every year. It has a lot of detail to it, so let's just hope the general public does not find out about it, because I do believe they would be all about it! I did not shoot on this particular night, but will give it a shot on our next trip (we have to get a bow that has the correct draw length for me to be able to shoot). I did find out that I am left eye dominant though-kinda neat! Justin, Angie, and Rick all shoot really well and hit a lot of orange (the area marked by an orange circle, signifying the "kill" region near the heart). It was a beautiful night when we walked the course.

This is Ash (Ashley) and I enjoying the scenery...I love this dog!!!!!

It was a beautiful sunset!

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