Monday, January 17, 2011

I can't believe how time flies...

I can't believe we have 77 "days to go" or some number somewhat close to that ;) Things here have been in full swing as they have been for quite some time. The room is painted and most of the major furniture is on its way. A loving shout out goes to Justin for painting twice, no wait, three times, without any complaint :) We have our car seat (see picture below) with special thanks to two very special people who had one of our shower gifts delivered early. It all feels a little more real with a car seat lying around...a baby must go in that right???

I am still feeling great, although I feel as though most things take just a tad longer to accomplish. I treasure the days I get to wear cozy clothes. The children in my class are getting more and more interested with my belly and say funny things like: "Your baby is getting very big." I have one child who says hello to him every day-it is so adorable. He comes up to my belly and says, "Hi Baby." They so badly want to know his name...time will tell...

Below is a very recent belly shot as well as info about our son for this next week of development. I we put things in the nursery I will post photos...right now it is just an empty room freshly painted. We start our child birth class this Tuesday and I am very much looking forward to getting more information about our baby's birth day :)

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