Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nursery Pictures

Disclaimer: It will still seem bare in these photos as I have no wall art up. I will be putting that up in the next few days and will post new pictures once I am finished.

I was so excited to get the Nursery in order enough to take pictures to put on the blog! I will be even more thrilled once things are up on the walls!

This is the view from the doorway.

I know, I know...what's with the sheep skin you ask? It's not really my style, but Justin loved it when we were looking at this chair. It is really soft and reminds me of my Grandpa's house.

Here you are looking at a homemade blanket from Grandma lying in his crib. I was so excited when we received this gift from my mom. I too had a blanket made by my Grandma Beerbohm that I loved and still have. One side is super soft and the other side is silky smooth :)

Dresser, Hutch, Changing name does it!

This is the quilt that goes with his bedding/bumper...I am still deciding what to do with it until he is using it.

Silly I know...but I love my diaper bag and look forward to using it. It was fun getting it all organized. I am sure that organization will change a million times as I figure out what works...:)

Only one closet shot as it is not quite done, but I must say that it is WAY cuter than our closet. My mom is making the gingham panels you see on the one side (there will be no closet doors), and I am still organizing things in the green/blue bins. Eventually we will have some sort of book shelf in his room, but for now I am storing the books in the closet cubby holes.

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