Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Day at Nonni and Pa's

I uploaded these photos and videos in the wrong order, so I will tell you about our fun day in reverse order :)  Justin was working all day Sunday, so we went up to my parents house early in the morning to spend the day with them. We had a blast just hanging out together!

We ended our day with dinner, dessert, and snuggles on the porch.

Hanging out!

Watching the world go by, just like I did with my Grandma Emma.

His words were, "I be like Mamma."

After nap, we went to the park. Noah loves the park near my parents house. It's very updated and has lots to do.

This bridge is super high and somewhat scary, but nonetheless, very fun!

At the park there is a "Moon House." It's actually more of an acorn shaped hut, but to Noah it's a Moon House and every time he goes to the park he needs to touch the moon. I can only imagine how special it is for a little one to "touch" the moon :)

Earlier in the day we hung out in the front yard and enjoyed the sunshine. Noah helped my mom with her flower arranging, and wanted to be just like her in wearing big gardening gloves.

And OF COURSE, we had to play in the water!!

Then he helped Pa pick up flowers and mow the lawn :)
What did I do you ask? I watched the fun, took pictures, and enjoyed the sun-it was a treat!

The day began great too! My mom took Noah down to the bakery to do "their routine," which includes a walk downtown to the bakery, a "bun", and mingling with friends...a super special tradition they started about a year ago. The bun is a whole wheat cinnamon raisin roll that Noah loves. Murray and I went to breakfast (and I didn't have to feed a little one while eating-bliss).

Grandparents are so special and each time Noah shares in memories such as these, I am reminded of how special my Grandma's were to me growing up! 

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