Monday, April 22, 2013

The Party

My Gym is so very fun for little ones and Noah had such a great time celebrating his 2nd birthday there. On Sunday, the day after his birthday, he celebrated with his friends and family at his party. He was really excited about it, and of course a second cake~ha!

Here he is coming out on a birthday train and giving high-fives to everyone in the circle.

He was telling one of the My Gym gals how old he is! 

Miss Jenna Jo saying how old she is...

She said 5! Ha! 

Look at that cutie-pie Mister Wes, 7 months old!

Noah loves loves loves to hang!

Cambrie, like a pro!

This was a fun activity where the children were able to slide down a ramp on the rocking horse. PJ loved it and had no fear.

Noah and Stella having fun with Justin

Look at those smiles! Peekaboo :)

Parachute! Noah didn't mind going in the middle, but then he was also very excited to go under

Oh, the hoop, the basketball...that boy is obsessed!

I'm not really sure what Nonni is doing, but it made me laugh so I had to include it. She may hit me!

At one point the children were allowed to tag each other below the waist, which I was a little surprised by, but we rolled with it. The children were really confused as this is something they are usually told no to...the adults had more fun than the kiddos in this moment. Exhibit A: Justin. :)

Cambrie became creative :) Not sure what she is doing (in her mind), but it made me laugh when I was going through the pictures.

The "zip-line."  Noah loves it, but is usually pretty serious faced while on it. 

Sweet little Wes with his Momma

Go PJ go!

Nonni and Mommy

Hey Waylon! He loved the ball pit :)

Look at that face! 

Ready, Set, Go!

Miss Pippa, Stella's sister :) Happy to be with her Momma.

"Mmmm, how does this work?"

The cake, the candles! He loved the look of it and the idea of it, but not the act of eating it. Why does it have 5 candles on it? I have no idea...I didn't even think of only putting two on like normal people...
I just wanted to evenly fill up the top space...I'm weird, or I became distracted by all the birthday fun!

This was his face when he saw his cake~priceless.

The Giles family, with one more to come any day~yeehaw!

"I'm 2!" I love the way he tries to do two on his fingers.

Blowing out the candles

Daddy's are so fun :)

Love this face

Andrea and Waylon had so much fun and he celebrated his birthday a few days later

Noah was not very cooperative for this photo as it was at the very end and we were keeping him from his dare we...still cute though.

So fun, and a huge thank you goes out to My Gym and to 
Melissa Morelli for these photos. 

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