Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Music in the Plaza

It's very fitting that the first picture of this post is of my parents dancing at Healdsburg's Tuesday's in the Plaza. Each summer my Mom looks forward to Tuesday evenings for one simple reason...she gets to dance! My Mom LOVES to dance and Murray loves to make her happy (aka dance with her). Each week my parents and their friends set out a huge spread on the town plaza and feast the night away with a fun atmosphere and most times, good music (I am just not a fan of the jazz). Jim...the nicest and most genuine man in town, who can be found serving yummy wine at Toad Hollow, is the organizer of it all. He sets up a table, with flowers of course, and always makes sure friends feel right at home-picnic style. From time to time Justin and I like to crash their parties-let's face it we are really only there for one thing...the food! Well, alright, the company is great and the dancing is fun...the list could go on. Below are a few fun photos I took of this last Tuesday-enjoy!

Please look at Murray's face here. Justin and I were noticing (and laughing) at how concentrated Murray gets when he is dancing-funny stuff! My Mom and Murph are too cute when they dance and it just makes her so happy.

Awww...enjoying the beautiful Sonoma County weather over a good glass of wine! PS Justin looks a little funny because his shirt is up in the back...oh well, they can't all be great pictures.
My Mom loves dancing with Justin-I will admit he's got some good moves!

Okay...this could be a long story, so I'll make it short...Murray really wanted Justin to try what he was eating so he fed it to him-it was super funny at the time.

Oh that Murray making airplane noises as he brings the food to Justin? That's right! They are such goofballs. My two favorite men having good old fashioned silly fun,
what could be better?

1 comment:

Melissa Morelli said...

Super cute...your family is just adorable and Justin just tucks right into the mix perfectly. xoxo