Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fun with a Ticker

As I was researching strollers and car seats and beginning to get a headache (why can't we just have one or two safe options and just call it a day?)...
I decided to take a break and find a ticker to add to our blog. There are so many kinds out there, and truly, I could have made five and posted them all, but I figured that would have been a little overboard. :) I like this ticker because it states the exact number of weeks I am and gives a little blurb about the babies development. I am looking forward to all the planning, decorating, reading, researching and name deciding that is in our future! I am also making a list of things to do around the house (mini projects) before the baby arrives. Let's just say Justin is quite involved in many of those :)
Thanks for checking in and I will have pictures soon!

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