Friday, May 6, 2011

Noah is 1 Month Old!

Part of me can and part of me can't believe that my little one is already 1 month old. There are so many changes that happen week to week in this first month and yet I know that those changes happen even more as the months go on! We love our beautiful son and have been having so much fun with him.

Some things that Noah loves to do:

1. lay by himself just looking around
2. go for walks around the neighborhood
3. Visit Nonni and Grandpa's house
4. "talk the talk" with daddy
5. eat (of course :)
6. lay in his crib looking at his mobile
7. fight sleeping during the day, however, our nights are going well so I have no complaints
8. snuggle in the Woombie
9. lay on my chest to sleep

Below are pictures of Noah on his 1 month birthday.

Silly daddy...

We love you bunches Noah Richard Langlois!

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