Monday, January 14, 2013

"Daddy Wights Down"

The world is just not as cool now that Christmas is over. There are some things I just can't stop, and one of those is Noah singing Christmas songs. I wonder how long it will last?? I cracks me up that he really has no concept of that time of year being over. One thing he definitely knows is it that the LIGHTS ARE DOWN PEOPLE!! Everywhere we drive..."wights are down." And when we drive by the house in our neighborhood that had a lot of lights he still says, "Wow wights," even though they are no longer up. Here's the kicker...every time we leave our house or arrive back at our house he says, "Daddy wights down." And then I say, "Yes sweetie, Daddy took the lights down." It makes me chuckle inside, and wonder when and if he will ever move on from Christmas habits. We may very well be those people singing Jingle Bells in June. Oh well. 

That's really all I have for you. Not very exciting, I know, but I'll leave you with a few videos of life, just simple everyday life.

I love sneaking up on Justin playing with Noah. He does things that this Mama just isn't as good at, like train noises, car noises, and such :)

Noah likes to be silly with Pa, so the other day as they were playing there own little made up game I caught the very end of it on camera. In the beginning his laugh was truly from the belly!

Oh Legos we love you! I like the middle of this video where Noah realizes he's being taped :)

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