Thursday, October 20, 2011

Night 2 and 3

Because I have so many blog followers-ha, yeah right...I thought I would update 'y'all on sleep training. Night two wasn't bad. Noah didn't wake up until 3:00, but did cry a little longer (about 10 minutes). Then he went back to sleep for a little while but was on and off "fussy" from 4-5. He woke for the day at 6:30. The on and off fussiness was very strange. His head didn't even lift up, but every 5-10 minutes he let out a cry or too. So basically we did not sleep from 3:00 on except for a few dozes here and there :(

Last night was great! He woke around 11:00 and cried for just a few minutes and then woke again at 1:00 and cried for an even shorter time. He woke for the day at 7:00. He is definitely waking up very hungry and eating more during the day, which works out great! I have to say thank you to Jaime, Jared, and Jenna for our baby monitor because without it, this whole letting my itty bitty baby cry it out would be just plain awful. At least this way I can see what he is doing and get one last look at him once he is peaceful and asleep, that is, before I drift off to sleep!!

Don't call CPS...we went in and covered him with his blanket once has good and asleep!

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