Monday, January 30, 2012

The Babies

Every so often we get the babies together. These adorable babies :)

Noah, 9 months

Payton, 4 months

Cambrie, 12 months

Play date for Mom's or for babies? Sometimes it's Story Time at our local library, lunch and a walk around downtown, or just meeting at one of our homes. We do truly want our babies to know and love each other, BUT we also want some good old fashioned girl time. It always seems there is plenty to catch up on and it's so nice to have close girlfriends going through the same "mommy" stuff that we go through here at home. Let's face it, the daily life with a baby is not always so glamorous, usually involves some very graphic terms, and most always involves some sort of bodily function. We love them to pieces though!! Thank you girls for our play dates because I so so so look forward to them!

1 comment:

Melissa Morelli said...

Haha....Cambrie looks like she is sleeping with her eyes open, goofy girl! Love you and Noah :)