Friday, September 21, 2012

Our First Date

The other day I had my first, not with Justin...with Noah!
We go on play dates quite often and go out and about together all the time, but this day was different. I can't exactly put my finger on why, but it just was. 

Justin was out of town and Noah and I were hanging out at the house in the morning. At around 9:30 I felt like doing something with Noah so off went all bundled up to Howarth Park-it was like a ghost town!! We played there for a good hour and a half. After the park I thought it would be fun if we went out to lunch together. We headed over to our favorite sandwich shop, Port Of Subs, where I ordered Noah his very own sandwich based on things I know he likes (I think this is what made it feel more like our first date ;) It was SOOOO much fun ordering a sandwich just for him. He chowed down with his fork like the biggest boy and seemed to be loving our date as much as I was.  We came home just in time for nap and as Noah drifted off as quick as you can say sandwich from our fun morning, I sat down and wrote in his baby book about our first date and all the future dates I was looking forward to with my little man.  I didn't take many pictures/videos because my phone was just about full on storage, but I managed to snap a few while we were on our Mother-Son Date.

He was "riding" it saying "neigh neigh" 

Ummm, take a look at my...wait is it a he or a she?? Can you say...Haircut!!!
More about that later!!!

These were the best photos I could take-he was really into his sandwich. 


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