Thursday, May 10, 2012

Words, Words, Yay Words!

I wasn't sure when Noah would start trying to say real words.  It seemed as though his peers were reaching this milestone earlier than him...I know, I know, every child is different...blah blah blah :) No really, I do understand that, I was just really excited for it to occur. A few weeks ago we really noticed Noah trying to say a few words that we were saying. And now I feel like it happens all the time. Obviously many are not anything like the real word, but it's so darn cute. He has so many words he knows and it's fun to see him try and say the word.  In addition to speaking 
more, he is up to all sorts of fun things.  

At 13 months (wait, didn't he JUST turn 1...) here are a few of them:

Words he says (some more in his own way than others :): ball, hat (ha), bath (baf), hot (ho), go, book, wow, wee, peekaboo (k boo), kaboom (boom), and that's all I can think of right now.

He enjoys just listening to stories more and more (versus just turning pages and feeling things)

The more balls he can find the better!

He likes to build with blocks and add more to towers that we build (versus knocking them down)

He has a lego table that is super fun!!

He is really getting into driving cars, trucks, etc. around the house

He loves his newly introduced snack cup! He's getting really good with a spoon and eating from a plate.

He is a champion eater and will pretty much eat anything we put in front of him. Some of his favorites are: kidney beans, cheese, Kix cereal, Mommy's whole wheat blueberry pancakes, pasta, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, green beans, carrots, apples, and much more! His two favorites are: raspberries and zucchini

He loves using everything as a walker! He's not walking...don't even get me started on that...

He wants to be in my arms most hours of the day, and always when someone wants to hold him! I'm trying my best to enjoy this phase because I know he will not even want hugs from me in public one day.

He loves, loves, loves music and singing!

He enjoys learning what animals say. He knows what a Lion and a Cow says! We are working on chicken and kitty :)

Mentioned earlier, he loves all things outside: rocks, dirt, pools, pinwheels, exploring

He gets a kick out of carrying things around in his mouth.

He loves playing with my pots and pans and driving the lids around the house like a car.

He understands so much of what we say...I have to be careful about certain words or he will want to do it, like, NOW!! For example, outside and bath

Okay, I know there's more, but hopefully you feel a little caught up :) Sorry about beginning every line with "He." I'm feeling too lazy to re-do/come up with something else. It's off to bed for me! All this outdoor play is exhausting!!

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