Friday, June 29, 2012

Jumping into the Pool

Remember that spontaneous trip I wrote about a few weeks ago? Well here are some of the pictures from that trip. I will post the lake pictures later, but for now, enjoy these adorable adventures in the pool...the cold pool might I add!

To kick off our summer we took our first road trip up to Redding to see dear friends of ours. Jaime's parents invited us to stay at their house and enjoy in their summer festivities. We hung out, played, went to the lake and JUMPED in the pool. I think my favorite pictures of Noah so far (excluding professional) are of him jumping into the pool. The sheer joy and enthusiastic expression just kills me-keep reading and you'll see. We were so thrilled to be able to get away last minute and enjoy tried and true summer activities with a beautiful family.

When we arrived we played for a bit, but then decided to get right into the pool. We just couldn't wait. At the time Noah's hat was just too far to get...I wanted to get him in the pool fast people...I was so excited, so we borrowed Jenna's pretty blue hat. Check out Noah and Daddy getting ready for the pool.

Then later, Noah's hat was nowhere to be found, so what did we do?? Borrow Jenna's pretty pink hat!

Here's just a sneak peek at the excitement Noah had about jumping into the gets better. 

We had fun jumping for a while...

And then we decided to try on the life vest we would use on the lake. Here's where he gets REALLY excited!! Check out the sequence below :)

I just want to eat him stinkin' funny!

Could he get any more intense...?!?!

Now we're coming in!

Then the next day, a little more reserved because he remembered how cold the water was...he jumped in with Daddy!!

I love love love my boys!

Soon Noah was over the cold water and wanted to ride in the boat. He had fun being Skipper, tongue out and all-ha!

We had even more fun water play with a giant ball that squirted water. You can imagine Noah's excitement...his favoritestestestest toy-the BALL, squirted water-best day ever!

Okay, so now that you saw the most hysterically adorable face I was talking about, take a peek at the funniest girl I know, or the sweetest..I can't decide.  She's so adorable and I still can't believe she's 2.

Miss Jenna Jo and her love for the pool.

Here are the boys with the kiddos. Noah did not like the floatie thingamjigger...I sure tried real hard though. Justin is trying to keep him in it and Noah is trying to get out-poor kid.

Jenna loved hers :)
That girl knows how to have fun!

Take a peek real close here. She's counting as she's jumping into the pool. She's on 1. Jenna loves counting and gets very excited when you get to 5!

Jenna and Noah were having a blast in the boat, actually Jenna was having a blast and Noah was having fun, but mostly just chillin' in the back...practicing the skill of relaxing.

See, just chilling :)

Wow, was that a lot of pictures...
A huge thanks to Jolayne for taking these!!
I love being spontaneous, I love the pool and summer activities, but what I love most about this trip is getting to live life with friends (I stole that phrase from Jaime, but it's perfect).

Here's a little preview of lake began with a looooong wait for the kiddos (get it together when you have a business folks...), but it was a top notch day!

The children ate to entertain themselves (there's only so much you can do on a narrow dock).  Noah is shoving veggie sticks in his mouth. It's true what you hear...we don't feed him ;) ;)

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