Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nonni and Grandpa

It has been such a blessing to watch Noah bond with my Mom and Murph, better known as Nonni and Grandpa. They have their own little giggle games and special traditions/memories that Noah looks forward to. He loves going to their house and playing with the pinwheels, climbing the stairs, EATING, and much more! Being Italian and all, my mom truly enjoys feeding Noah. The boy just soaks it up! She feeds him very healthy...Bonus!!  A few weeks ago I tried to take a few pictures of Noah with them and even though they didn't turn out perfect there are some great action shots.

I was just talking with my mom yesterday about how most times I don't get pictures of Noah with them or all of us together because most times my parents are watching Noah for us or enjoying a little quality time by themselves with Noah. I know that time is so precious :)

When I think about their relationship and the love Noah has for them (and vice versa of course :) I think of the relationship with my Grandma Emma. I looked forward to our trips down to the Bay Area so much growing up and I cherished every moment spent with her.  I too LOVED her food! The first thing I would do, after saying hello of course, is go check out her kitchen. She always had something yummy just made for our visit. 

As Noah gets older I want him to look forward to going to my parents house and even ask for it :) I think if he would, he would already do so!! A Grandparents love and relationship is so special and watching it grow day after day can't even be put into words. 

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