Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The time has come!

You heard me, the time has come...our lives are changed forever...
Did that sound dramatic enough?!?!

Noah is 100 % walking. For about a week he has been waking full time. It was a gradual process, one that I thought would have happened months ago. It just goes to show how in control those little sweetie's can be. Last night we went to music in the plaza in Sonoma with Lisa and Scott, and Justin and I had our first experience with our new walker out in public. We were taking turns following him, and although it was tiring, it was also such a joy to watch him take in the world in a whole new way.  He was having fun with other children, following balloons, chasing after balls, and going up to complete strangers to play with their toys, wagons, etc. Most people are so gracious and just love saying Hello.  I look forward to this next season in our life. He already bats our hand away most times and wants to walk all on his own. When he's outside in our front yard he just loves to walk up and down the sidewalk collecting rocks.

Here are two videos of Noah the walker. The first one is from last night in Sonoma and the other one is from a few days ago in our front yard.

Lots of love to you all on this great day!

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