Monday, October 8, 2012

18 months

Our "little one," who is not so little these days, is 18 months old and doing so many fun things. Each day I feel like the baby in him is slipping away. He used to say "bye" with a southern drawl like ""bi" and now he says it just like the big kids do. Most days he is trying to repeat a lot of what we say and I just soak it up :)  He is obsessed with all things that turn on, and if they're not on, he needs them on! 
We are a busy household, with some days better than others (you know, toddler opinions, screams...blah blah blah), but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Here are some of his favorite things and what he is up to. Noah loves to:

~ play with his magna doodle and draw moons and stars
~ use his shape puzzles and sorters
~ play outside (some days I feel like we live there :)
~give high fives and "knucks" to friends and strangers
~read books in his rocking chair
~help Daddy in the garage
~fly RC airplanes and cars with Daddy
~vacuum (with Daddy-haha!)
~collect eggs from the chicken coop
~go with Nonni to the farmer's market on Sat. mornings
~climb onto everything
~chase us up and down the hall (naked usually)
~take showers and baths
~sing and listen to music
~draw with crayons
~play in his room
~play at the park
~help me cook

Happy 18 months Noah!

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