Friday, July 27, 2012


Today we had what ended up being a VERY fun outing (just ask Noah...), but all it really involved was going to Justin's work at the Santa Rosa airport.  Noah saw the airplanes and it was love at first sight. All he wanted to do was walk around them, under them, and explore them. It was really fun watching him have a blast checking out the airplanes. He literally squealed most of the time (not too loud thankfully), and the mechanics working nearby loved him, which made me thankful that no one was giving us the evil eye as we were having such a great time.

Here he is sitting in the super fancy, cozy chairs checking out what Daddy is up to. We couldn't turn on the lights in airplane so I used my flash on this picture.

Standing at the top of the steps as you enter the airplane. We were exploring a Gulfstream today. 

He's under a wing here :)

Sorry it's blurry but the kid wouldn't stop for anything! The tail of the aircraft you see in the background is actually the same plane Justin's grandpa flew in WW2, a DC3.

Couldn't help but head outside to see a few airplanes take off. 

"Ha ha, you can't catch me!"

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