Wednesday, July 11, 2012

He's 15 months and livin' life!

Here's what you are up to Noah:

Some of your newer favorite words are:  on, shoe, all done, all gone, choo choo, wow, and animal sounds such as a cow, chicken, sheep, and kitty.  Your absolute favorite word is all done :)

You are still obsessed with lights and fans and point them out all the time.

You're trying to walk fast/run and it's as if your legs are flailing about you-haha!

You're REALLY into trains and drive them all around, as well as carry them around the house with you.

You are always scanning the skies for airplanes and hear them before I even do!

You have two favorite books: I Love You Through and Through and Driving My Tractor

You are learning your shape sorters and although you often choose this toy, it also frustrates you.

Your love for water is still strong and you even enjoy standing under the sprinkler.

The constant climbing worries your mommy but it's a super duper fun activity you're doing :)

You are still loving the food we give you and most times you choose veggies first.

You love going to Nonni (Non) and Grandpa's (Pa) house.

You're beginning to test us with your opinions about things and you've figured out the "no" word, although you don't use it much (yet...)

You're becoming quite the snuggler at bedtime and I cherish that time.

You love carrying things around with you.

You love pointing at things and when you don't know what it is or how to say it, you say, "dees" for this.

I'm sure there is more that you're doing sweet boy, but it's time to go get you up from your nap. You're daddy and I love you very much and have so much fun with you!


Jaime said...

What about "OH DOW!!" That's my favorite word... sounds like Monica when she's sick! :)

Morgan said...

How dare I-bad mom alert! It's one of my faves too! He says "oh no" as "oh dow" What's funny is that he can say No just fine, but with the phrase he says it differently.