Sunday, July 22, 2012

Amen, Pasta, and Down

I feel like these days Noah is saying so many new words, it's hard to keep track of them all. It's so so fun! In the last 24 hours he has said Amen, Pasta, and Down. Another recent favorite is a whisper and very "breathey" Wow. He's said wow for quite a while now, but he's very into saying it this new way. It cracks me up! His new words make each day so fun and I'm always wondering what he will say next. I caught "Amen" on video this morning and I included one more video of Noah going round and round (which he also says in his own way) to a not so childlike song that so many of us grew up doing. Or was that just me?? Let's hope not... 

Every night before we go to bed we say our prayers together. I pray with Noah about things we have done that day and thanking Jesus for them. At the end we say Amen, and for a long time he loved when I said it, but never attempted it. Now he fully participates and it warms my heart.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I love this post!! I can only imagine how exciting it must be to have your baby start talking!
I love that he is saying "amen" :)