Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Boys

There is so much I want to blog about these days, but for right now I want to pause and think about my sweet little boy and his daddy!  I can't even put into words (well enough for you to really get that is...) how much I adore watching them love on each other, hang out, and bond as he gets older.  Noah follows Justin around the back yard as they take care of the chickens together, water and weed the garden, and pick our fresh garden produce like tomatoes and strawberries.  Noah enjoys picking the tomatoes, but doesn't eat them much-he just carries them around-haha! The strawberries are another story-we have to cut him off!!

When I'm at work they have a a great day together going to the park, grocery shopping, wrestling, and much much more! In fact as we are in a new phase of transitioning to 1 nap (yuck) he slept for 2.25 hours on daddy's watch. Today with me, not so much! Bah! 

Justin has a blast dancing with Noah, reading him stories, playing Lego's with him, and being outside in the garden.  As Noah gets older he likes his daddy time and associates him with a F-U-N time (as he should of course)! In another year I can't even imagine what Noah will be asking for!!

Look at those two!

Noah had so much fun doing this on and off all afternoon to Justin...not me, just Daddy :)

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