Thursday, August 16, 2012

Red Lodge Part 3

Chill. That's what we do a lot in Red Lodge and we make it look good!!! Keep in mind this is with children so the amount of just sitting around and doing nothing is actually not that much. We had a BBQ with Justin's Aunt and Uncle and the children played with rocks and entertained themselves while the adults chatted away. There are a few pictures below of the children eating because feeding three little ones at the same time is worth taking a picture...hard work people! Although, I had the easy job because Oma and Opa love to feed their grandchildren. They deserve the applause :)

Waiting patiently...for a toddler that is!!

Best Buds hanging out

Little Miss Phoebe is a crack up! She loves to smile for the camera.

Did you know that rocks in Red Lodge are just as cool as the ones in our yard?

Masters of the Grill

Sweet Cousins

Helpful cousins

Do you see the names on the side of the wagon? Sweet story about those-stay tuned!

Hugging cousins-HA! This is what Phoebe did when I asked her to hug Noah.

I can't believe the little baby boy that made Nichole a Mommy is growing up so fast. He is going into 1st grade-that's just crazy to me. 

Our time together was special and there's a lot more to come. Up next...a day on the lake with some pretty funny pictures of grown adults enjoying some time to act like children-responsibly of course :)

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