Thursday, August 9, 2012

Red Lodge Part 1

Noah took his first trip to Red Lodge last week and had a blast! Justin's parents live in Red Lodge and it's where Justin calls home. I really wanted to get Noah out to Montana because I don't know how much longer his parents will have their Ranch :( 

You already know that our airplane ride there was fabulous and went as well as it could have (way to go little man), and you'll hear about our trip home soon enough (can you say OPPOSITE). 

We arrived in Red Lodge and Noah dug right into the toys, food, and the cozy home. Oma and Opa had toys waiting that included trains and balls, so of course, Noah just went for it. They had candy dishes waiting for me-shocking I know!  Before I knew it the boys were building towers and knocking them over (Noah's favorite). We had a nice dinner all together and before long it was time for bed. The kid was tuckered out from the day and slept really well that night. All in all, the time change did not effect him that much (phew). 

Our first full day included a lazy morning, playing outside, going for a small hike, and a spaghetti dinner-yum!

I know it's not a great picture, but Noah loved playing the piano the whole week :) 
I love my little musician. 

He had an endless supply of Oma's golf balls

Noah thought it was fun to throw things into the river and watch them get pulled away by the fast current (this is no Russian River folks, so he thought it was pretty cool)

Exploring on our hike with Opa

Smiling with Oma, well, at least Oma's smiling!


Ashley said...

Justin has an Austin Creek Hawks shirt!!! Love this!

Morgan said...

I know right?!?! So funny.